Monday, May 10, 2010

Conversations with the Dark Thing

Dark Thing: Hello.

Me: Hello.

Dark Thing: How are we doing today?

Me: I’m fine.

Dark Thing: Well, do you want me to fix that?

Me: Not really, but I know you are going to anyway.

Dark Thing: Don’t sound so cynical, Violet.

Me: Aren’t I always cynical?

Dark Thing: Only when I want you to be.

Me: Oh yeah, I forgot about that little detail.

Dark Thing: There you go again, always the one with the sarcastic comments.

Me: Piss off.

Dark Thing: Violet….

Me: Stop it.

Dark Thing: Hush now Darling, don’t you see this is all for your own good?

Me: I’m not listening to you.

Dark Thing: Oh, but you’re listening to me all the time, even when you don’t realize it.

Me: Go away.

Dark Thing: You see that knife over there Violet, the one with the shiny tip just pointy enough to cut into your flesh?

Me: Yes…

Dark Thing: You know you want to pick it up.

Me: No I don’t.

Dark Thing: Don’t you? Don’t you know it would feel nice if you just let the knife cut into your skin, not enough to kill yourself but enough to make you feel the pain?

Me: NO! I won’t! get out of my head and LEAVE ME ALONE.

Dark Thing: Roses are red, Violets are blue… Aren’t you blue, Violet? All sad because her daddy didn’t care enough to look after her, didn’t love her enough to leave her with a responsible babysitter who wouldn’t treat her like a play thing???


Dark Thing: Hush now Violet, just pick up the knife and do it, I know you can.

Me: I can’t I won’t.

Dark Thing: Yes you will, just let your hand do all the work, there you go, pick it up.

Me: Please don’t, I don’t want to hurt, I don’t want to bleed!


Me: I Can’t, I won’t!………………………………………………………………………………………

Alright, you win.

Dark Thing: Good girl.